
The protocol distributing
assets, empowering
participation, and
fostering collaboration

We dream of a more equitable global distribution of wealth, achieved through the active participation of every individual.

1% concentrate twice as much assets as the rest of the world’s population combined.

We’re here to change that.

Our goal is to decentralize asset ownership (dRWA), enabling everyone to participate in the profits they generate.


We envision a world where everyone can have a portion of the assets through collaboration, work or investment. Let every person in the world own a portion of the distributed economy. groups of people or communities.


Dobprotocol is an open source project whose mission is to ensure that collaboration tools exist in each blockchain to distribute the benefits generated jointly by groups of people or communities.



  • Collaboration over Competition We believe that the basic principle of life is collaboration, not competition.
  • AI at the Service of Vision Artificial Intelligence acts as a mediator and moderator of trust between people.
  • Transcendence through Unity We understand that we are part of a great social structure and we must overcome ourselves to transcend.


The team brings together a diverse set of skills and experiences, combining expertise in blockchain technology, economic theory, and software development. Their shared vision for a more equitable distribution of wealth through decentralized asset ownership drives the project's innovative approach. With a strong commitment to open-source principles and collaborative economics, the team is well-positioned to lead the development of tools for the emerging Ownership Economy

Fernando Castillo

Blockchain Master - Ph.D.(c) Technische Universität Berlin


Margarita Castillo

Blockchain Finance Expert - Master's degree in Finance


Oscar Castillo

Early Investor Blockchain - Director of Cidif Digital Ventures


We would love to talk

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Please feel free to contact us